Friday 19 October 2012

Tips For A Happy Marriage - free article courtesy of

In January 2006, I will be married to my husband for 29 years. I knew him for 2 years before that.

Marriage is a sacred vow to love your partner for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till … well you know the rest. But for many people, the pressures, challenges, and monotony of married life has shrouded its wonderful positive aspects.

Great marriages don’t just happen. You have to do something to make it last. Improve your marriage now. Remember that improvement is not a one-time event. It’s a process, so better start now.

Being happy starts within you. If you can’t be happy with yourself, then there’s no chance that you’ll be happy with someone else.

Be the best that you can be to your spouse.

The Qualities of a Successful Marriage


Love is the most essential component in a relationship. It is the powerful force that binds two unique individuals together. A relationship will not start without love.


Being a supportive spouse can be both a rewarding and a difficult role in a relationship. The most important aspect is being a loving presence always in your spouse’s life. Being supportive means strengthening the partner. You bear the weight. It is quite a responsibility for any one to take on. The sense of responsibility grows deeper when your spouse faces certain problems. To avoid conflict, respect your spouse’s personal decisions. Show that you have faith in your mate. Be the shoulder to lean on. Work together to maintain balance in your life together. Don’t be threatened by your spouse’s accomplishments. Be proud of your spouse’s achievements. If you want to help your spouse to recover from a difficult situation, don’t try to solve it on your own.


The meanings of tolerance in the dictionary are:

1. The power or capacity of an organism to tolerate unfavorable environmental conditions.

2. A disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior.

3. The act of tolerating something.

4. Willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others.

5. A permissible difference; allowing freedom to move within limits.

The given meaning has only one denominator. Patience. Without it, the word tolerance is nothing.

Always remember that it pays to be patient. As the saying goes, patience is a virtue.


All arguments can be solved through proper communication. If your partner annoys you for things he or she has done consciously or unconsciously, approach your spouse. Talk to each other. Explain that you are offended by that act. Remember that he or she can’t read minds. Don’t try to keep it inside. It will corrupt you. The annoyance will grow in your heart. Don’t wait for it to burst one day. As early as possible discuss the problem with your spouse. If a certain thing bothers you, tell it straight to your spouse. It doesn’t hurt to be straightforward. It is just a choice of words on how you will express yourself.

Realistic Expectations

Don’t expect too much from your spouse. They are also humans bound to commit mistakes.


Show your spouse that you’re concerned. During lunch, ask him or her if he or she has already eaten. Small simple things can mean a lot to them. Take time to notice your spouse. Say I love you everyday.


Grow with each other. Nurture intimacy. Live together and raise your children.

Sense of Humor

Laugh together. Have fun together. It is healthy to stretch out those lazy lips. Don’t be too serious. Pressures of life? Don’t let it weigh you down. Uplift your spirits high. Don’t take things too seriously. Stop trying to be perfect because no person is. Always put on a happy face! Smile immensely. It can really change the way you and other people feel. Happiness is a choice, so don’t choose to frown. A wrinkle on the face is ugly.

Smiling is considered as one of the fountains of youth. Smile wide. Make the world a brighter place to live in. Don’t forget to laugh and joke around. Be kind and smile at everyone, especially your spouse. If tensions start to grow, smile at him or her.

Laugh out loud. It’s the best medicine in town. Heal your body, mind and soul. Fill your life with laughter so that you won’t have much room left for negative emotions.


A happy couple in a happy marriage develops bonding rituals. These become the pillars that hold up the marriage. Show your dedication every day.


Appreciate each other’s eccentricities and differences, especially as woman and man. Learn to be happily different. Learn to give and take. Practice kindness and politeness with each other in at least 95 percent of your interactions.

Know how to handle conflict

Don’t make things worse by not talking to each other. Look into your spouse’s eye when asking him or her. Don’t delay the conversation for quite a long time. This will only make the conflict worse.

Solve problems together

Resolve arguments rather than letting things fester. Speak up. It will not aggravate the situation.


Learn to reciprocate.

Enjoy one another

Focus on enjoying life. Live a carefree life. Think that your spouse is the one that really matters in this world. Do things together. Excite your relationship by finding new ways to enjoy each other.

Have fun together

Play in the rain together. Isn’t it great to be a child once in a while? Run like a madman while you chase each other in the rain.

If you would like to learn more, you can visit

Discover The Secrets To A Happy Marriage by Ruth Purple BUY NOW Marriage Bliss BUY NOW Study Course : Reimagine Marriage BUY NOW

Monday 8 October 2012

Slimmer Legs ... Stress-Free - free article courtesy of ...

Well, with the success of my article, "Wrinkle Remover That WORKS!!", I realize that there is a really strong interest in getting information that is going to do something for you, rather than generalities that come under the "same old thing" category. And, as you know if you read the article, we found a great and effective cream that does a knockout job of actually reducing wrinkles.
Funny thing is that the product started out as a solution to a completely different problem (and they tell you all about that on the web link I mentioned in the article), which is kind of like the situation of the equestrian horse product, a coat conditioner, that was flying off the shelves and it took an incredulous tack shop owner's question to uncover the mystery. I mean they were selling more of this stuff than any over fastidious horse community could possibly use, they would have had to be conditioning their horses coats every day or even twice a day to use that much.
So what was the answer? Well the story goes, ladies were using it themselves as it gave a great result, smooth and soft hair (and there was a suggestion that guys were using it too, to encourage hair re-growth). Anyway that story is from a few years ago and now the company actually sells the same product in a small, "human" size bottle for about the same price as you can buy it in the tack shop in the horse size bottle. The name is Mane n' Tail and I use it when getting ready for a horse show as it really does get the tangles out of that tail.
Now I seem to have got a little sidetracked here because I started out with the intention of writing about slimming the legs, and certainly having your legs toned, lithe and athletic makes you feel great, and here is my best advice on how to get your legs to be slimmer, with that better muscle tone and looking sensational: get in the pool!
OK I guess you need a little more info than that, so here we go. Number one let's find a schedule for going to the pool that is going to induce you to continue, because you may be motivated to give this a try but then, on being confronted at your pool by a wall of screaming kids jumping all over the place, you may as quickly be discouraged and resolve to give the whole thing up as another one of those facile, "here's how to do it" nonsenses written by folks who never actually do the stuff they are telling you to do. Well relax, I've been there, and I know that it's pretty important to make the "doing" as comfortable as possible if we have any expectation of making it into a routine. So we find out when is the best "pool time" for us, and I always go for the quietest group (I suppose that's no rocket science suggestion), anyway having got that part organized all we need to do now is the actual swimming.
Now the point of this article is to focus on slimming and toning the legs so obviously we are going to work that area mostly, but first you need to loosen up the whole body a little, so just do some easy, relaxing laps and enjoy the feel of the water.
OK ready for the legs? We'll use a kick-board if you like, although I often don't as I feel it tenses the muscles across my shoulders and behind my neck, so I feather the water with my hands out in front and only lift my head to breathe. Certainly you will get more upper body support using the kick-board and, as far as the legs are concerned, they are going to get worked the same whichever method you use. So we want to start out by doing a few easy laps freestyle leg kick; and then when you start to feel any tightening or stiffness in the upper thigh, stop and stretch the muscles. Remember, swimming lengthens the muscles and we particularly want long, slim, elastic muscles, so stretch and loosen off the legs if you start to feel any tightening up.
So, we've loosened up, we've started on the leg work, now how much do we do and how hard? Well, as with almost all my work, I stress gradualization, you can't just jump in there and do one hundred laps flat out, you've got to build your fitness, your capacity and your endurance, so do what you can comfortably achieve and strive to increase gradually over time. Getting those legs slim and toned is no great secret, it's just getting in there and doing a terrific set of leg-kick, way easier on the joints than almost any other exercise and terrific for your overall body health, heart and lungs.

Hot Legs Workout - A Strength Training Program for Females for Shaping a Tight and Trim Lower Body
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Best Leg Workout For Women - Figure Competitors and Female Bodybuilders

Sustaining Romance After Becoming Parents - free article courtesy ...

A major challenge for parents, especially new parents, is finding the time to be together in ways that foster romance in their relationship. A question that a reader recently asked me is: “Is it the quality of time versus the quantity of time that is significant in 'we-time'? If yes, how? ”

Romance is determined far more by the quality of the energy between two people than by the amount of time they spend together. If two people spend all day together, but they are not open to each other regarding the sharing of learning, laughter, play and creativity, they will not feel romantic and intimate. They will feel far more romantic if they spend a few minutes together and that few minutes is filled with the intimacy that comes from being open hearted and emotionally connected with each other. If two people hug goodbye in the morning and the hug is perfunctory with their minds already elsewhere, that hug will do nothing to foster romance later that evening. But if the hug is filled with love, warmth, tenderness and caring, that hug can do much to sustain the romance through the day to be further expressed in the evening.

The question is, what determines the quality of energy between two people? What makes one hug filled with romantic potential and another hug empty and meaningless?

The quality of the energy between two people is determined by their intent:

* If your intent is to have control over getting love or avoiding pain, the hug will be empty and depleting, regardless of your partner’s intent.

* If your intent and your partner’s intent is to give love and share love, the hug will be fulfilling and energizing.

There is a vast difference between the intention to get love and avoid pain, and the intention to give and share love.

When your intention is to get love, you are coming from an empty place within and wanting your partner to fill that place for you. You will be giving the hug in order to get filled – giving to get. Your touch will energetically be a pull on your partner’s energy to fill you up and make you feel lovable and worthy. Since it doesn’t feel good to be pulled on energetically, your partner may hug you from a withdrawn state, with the intention to avoid the pain of being pulled on. If one of you hugs with the intent to get love, and the other hugs with the intent to avoid pain, the hug will not feel good.

If both of you are coming from an empty place within and both of you are hugging with the intention to get love, there will be no love to share and the hug will not feel good.

If one of you hugs with the intention to give and share love and the other hugs with the intent to get love, the giver will end up feeling unfilled. He or she may enjoy giving love, but there will be no sharing of love, and it is the share of love that is truly the highest experience in life.

If both of you are already filled with love within due to taking personal responsibility for your own feelings and wellbeing, and to being spiritually connected to the Source of love, then your intent is likely to be to give and share love. When you both have the intent to give and share love, the hug will be a wonderful expression of your love and will be very fulfilling. Starting your day with a few minutes of sharing love sets the stage for sharing love at other times. Even if your time together is very limited, romance can be sustained when two people have the intent to give and share love.

Moving out of the intent to get love and avoid pain and into the intent to give and share love is a personal process of inner growth. It takes both people desiring to learn how to fill themselves with love so that they have love to share to create and sustain a fulfilling romantic relationship. As parents with limited time to spend with each other, doing this inner work is essential for the relationship with thrive.

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The Art of Love and Devotion BUY NOW Enjoy Lasting Relationships and a Marriage Filled with Love and Intimacy BUY NOW Lots of Romantic Ideas Book With Over 4000 Romance Ideas BUY NOW

Better Sex Tips for Couples by Leah Holden

One recent survey in America concluded that approximately 50% of new marriage will end in divorce. The same survey also indicated that the trend is on the rise.

This is a sad truth and they are many reasons which contribute to a marital split, for example , lack of trust, lack of communication, lack of a satisfying sex life etc .

In this article, I am going to reveal some better sex tips for couples. Sex is one of the key elements to help maintain a strong and sustainable love life. It helps to build a strong bond between the couples and makes both of them come closer together.

Every couple needs sex for pleasure. It is necessary that all couples maintain their tempo of having sex throughout their married life. Having regular sex has proved to keep the relationship between the couples healthy and also helps to keep the fights at bay. How frequent should a couple have sex? The answer is depends, some couples enjoy having sex once a week, others three times a week and there are other couples who have sex everyday. At the end of the day, it all comes down to what feels right and satisfying for the particular couple.

In order to have better sex, both partners should take active participation in the sexual act. You should know your partner's hot buttons and know when to press it! You should not just be a spectator to the sexual act. In the end, there are chances that you and your partner will not be satisfied and you will be frustrated. A trick to overcome this is to always remember the best sex that both of you had and your only duty is to deliver a sexual performance which surpass the last best experience. This is called continuous sexual improvement and a valuable trick to sustain a life long relationship.

Better sex for couples also includes being confident in the sexual act. You should also look, smell and feel good. No one would like to have sex with a person who has bad breath and whose body gives a foul order.

Sex can be performed anywhere. It is not necessary to have sex in the bedroom. Sex can be performed on the sofa, in the basement, under the stairs, in the car, in the garden shade, on the beach etc . The location and whereabout is only limited to your own imagination and creativity.

To enjoy better sex, both partners should have the same amount of passion between each other. Sex does not start under the sheets. It can start during the day like giving your partner a passionate kiss when he leaves for office or holding each other's hands in the park.

You should never plan the whole sexual act in advance but keep it spontaneous. The moves can change according to the situation. It is fine if you plan the first few moves in advance though to warm up the atmosphere.

Another very important tip for having better sex is foreplay. It is absolutely essential before you get into the actual act of making love. This is because foreplay breaks the ice and also creates a lot of excitement in you and your partner and makes you ready for the final act.

You can also create a romantic environment in your bedroom by lighting exotic candles, keeping the room dimly lit and decorating the room with flowers. This proves to be a perfect setting for your sexual act.

In the end, remember to tell your partner how exciting and pleasurable the whole sexual experience was and you would definitely love to do it more often.

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Friday 5 October 2012

An Effective Acne Skin Care Regime - free article courtesy of ...

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions today. It affects or has affected nearly everyone at one time or another. Acne skin care is the most important tool in reducing or eliminating outbreaks. Many different things contribute to healthy skin.

Acne occurs when oil and dead skin cells clog pores, or follicles. Acne primarily affects teens, although adults are affected also. Puberty causes an increase in oil production which increases the risk of having an acne outbreak.

What are some of the ways we can instil acne skin care?

The easiest acne skin care regime is to wash your face twice daily with warm water and mild soap. Using your bare hands to wash your face is gentler and kinder to your skin. Acne skin care dictates that you are very gentle with your skin-no scrubbing vigorously, using harsh soap, or alcohol based skin products. These only serve to irritate the skin and may make acne much worse.

Acne skin care revolves around oil control where it can be controlled. Wash your face frequently to remove oil and dirt when you are sweating or working around an oily area. Exposure to grease, pore-clogging cosmetics or hair products can worsen acne. If you are prone to oily hair, wash your hair daily to reduce the oil. Concentrate on using oil-free makeup and moisturizers.

Acne skin care demands that you be gentle to your skin. Picking or squeezing pimples can cause more inflammation and help to push bacteria deeper into your skin. Friction, such as athletic gear, bike helmets, backpacks, or tight collars, can make you sweat which can cause clogged pores and therefore, acne.

The Don't's of acne skin care are:

Don't touch your skin unless absolutely necessary!
Don't rest your chin in hands!
Don't pick at your face!
Don't smoosh your face into your pillow and keep pillowcase clean!
Don't let hair products get on skin!
Don't rest cellphone against your face!

The Do's of acne skin care are:

Do treat your face gently and kindly.
Do wash your face with your bare hands.
Do wash face two times daily with warm water and mild soap.
Do use oil-free makeup.

If your acne is very severe or does not respond to the pampering acne skin care regime, then you may need to contact your physician for more aggressive treatment options.

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General Information About Swine Flu by: Anthony Delar

The world is facing a serious flu threat in the form of swine flu. Currently human cases of swine flu have been reported from Mexico and the US. Swine flu was first reported in Mexico, where several people have died from the new strain of the influenza virus, so health authorities have been put on a high alert to prevent a pandemic like situation from occurring.

Swine flu is a respiratory disease that is caused by influenza A (H1N1) virus. Its main symptoms are similar to that of a seasonal flu like fever, coughing, lack of appetite, runny nose, nausea, sore throat, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Swine flu medication

Currently there is no vaccine available for the treatment of swine flu. However, doctors feel that popular anti-viral drugs such as Tamiflu and Relenza can prove useful for treatment as well as preventive purposes.

A popular prescription drug, Tamiflu, can help treat influenza type A infection, which includes swine flu. Not only this, it can also prevent the flu. The main ingredient in Tamiflu is oseltamivir, which stops the further spread of the virus in the body, providing it more immunity to fight back.

Tamiflu is available only on prescription, so to buy it, you need to go to a doctor for medical check-up. If the doctor approves and provides you with a valid prescription, then you can buy Tamiflu from any local licensed pharmacy. Another way to buy this drug is over the internet.

The doses of Tamiflu for treatment as well as prevention of flu can vary. Always follow the recommendations of your doctor or pharmacy. Generally, for treatment purposes, adults can take one capsule dose twice daily for five days. For prevention measures, they can take one capsule daily for 10 days.

Since Tamiflu is a prescription drug, patients who takes it are  likely to suffer from some of its side effects such as nausea, vomiting, rash, abdominal pain, and sleep problems. It’s advisable for patients to take Tamiflu with food, as it can lower the intensity of these side effects. Remember, Tamiflu is a proven drug for flu treatment and proves beneficial for flu prevention too.

Another flu treatment called Relenza, contains the ingredients Zanamivir (5mg) and lactose (20 mg), which effectively treat influenza type A and B infections. This flu treatment comes in a powdered form, which is inhaled twice in a day for five days or at least once daily for up to 28 days.

Swine flu prevention

You can take Relenza for prevention purposes against flu infection, including swine flu. It prevents the further spread of flu virus in the body and strengthens the whole immune system.

Apart from taking any anti-viral medication, you can prevent swine flu infection by taking everyday preventive measures. First and foremost is to avoid a contact with an infected person. You should always try to keep a distance, and if he or she is your closest or dearest one, then use mask whenever you go nearer to that person.

Whenever you are sick due to flu infection, always stay at home to avoid spreading it While coughing or sneezing, always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue.

Be wise by maintaining good personal hygiene. Always wash your hands, as it protects you from germs. You should avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, as it increases the possibility of spreading germs, if you have touched any contaminated surface. Unfortunately “Swines” seem to linger in the world of dating and singleness as well. Argh.. some of the horror stories I’ve heard and the rare few I’ve encountered, makes me irrate sometimes. Once a dear friend of mine had ran into one of these “swines” and was quite the jerk to her. I was so upset, I contmeplated flying out to where she lives and giving that guy a good beating and a mouthful after his lashings!

Ladies, seriously, if you find yourself being surrounded with “Swines” in your dating life…one, get off the dating wagon for a while and really evaluate how you’re treating yourself. Because if it’s a pattern in your life, where you’re constantly having these type of low life’s swarming around you like fruit flies…then you may want to consider that you may have some issues lingering inside that need some serious attention.

Or if you find yourself in a scenario where you may not be dating them consistently, but have found yourself on a date or two that has “Swine” written all over him, let me give you a piece of advice. Walk out! No “Swine” deserves a minute of your time. So if you’ve found yourself on a date with one of these.. the best thing to say is “Thanks, but NO thanks! ” and leave. Call your ladies and head out for a night with them, don’t even dare waste your time with one of these, nor an evening for that matter.

So if you’ve been on the lookout for a cure to the “Swine Flu”…look no more. Take a dose of some good ole fashion Self Worth and then a dose of “Swine, Buzz Off! ’…and sister you’ll be good to go!

Avian Bird Flu and Swine Flu Survival Guide
Vaccination Is Not Immunization